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Paneer & salad sticks

Ditch the pre-made super market salad bags this summer and try this fresh and light fruit and vegetable salad. A colourful, delightful, wholesome and perfectly cheerful summer appetizer that will make you want more.

Combine the veggies, fruits and some grilled cottage cheese on a platter. Drizzle with the dressing of your choice and serve with 1 bamboo skewer per person.

What you’ll need:

For the salad :

Lettuce head 7-8 basil leaves yellow cherry tomatoes (red will also do) 1 Cucumber 1 Apple Paneer

For grilled paneer(cottage cheese) : Paneer cut into medium sized cubes 1/2 cup hung curd 1/2 cup of mint and coriander leaves Salt as per taste 1 green chilly

For the dressing :

1 part lemon juice 2 parts extra virgin olive oil Salt and pepper as per taste

How to :

Though the ingredients look quite endless, the recipe is very simple and easy. A little bit of prep will help to make the salad in time before your lunch or dinner.

To make grilled paneer :

In a pestle and motor crush the mint, coriander leaves, chilly and some sea salt together to form a fine paste. Add this fine paste to the hung curd and marinate the paneer cubes. Allow to rest for at least 3-4 hours. Heat a non-stick pan and grill the cubes on medium flame using oil till the paneer is light brown in color from all sides.

To make the salad :

Arrange the salad and grilled cheese on bamboo skewers. Gently pour the dressing on the skewers while turning it slowly so that it evenly coats the entire salad. Serve immediately.

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